Submissions – Dreamsphere Books

Dreamsphere Books is a publisher of fantasy, science fiction, and other genre fiction. Our main goal is to excite the reader, to take their imagination to new worlds or on adventures that allow them to escape reality. We are currently seeking submissions in the categories listed below.

Authors will receive full editing, cover art, and marketing support from Dreamsphere Books. Submissions are expected to be well-written, well-edited, and reasonably error-free.

First, a few general details: 

Genres: We are primarily seeking submissions of fantasy, science fiction, horror, thriller, and mystery. We are open to submissions in other genres too. If you are writing queer young adult please visit and if you are writing adult romance or erotica please visit

Social Media and Self-Promotion: When submitting, please include relevant links in your query letter.

Rights: Dreamsphere Books will seek ebook, print, and audio rights from the author. We decide on publishing in audio on a case-by-case basis. Contracts are for three years from publication, renewed on an annual basis thereafter.

New Content: We are primarily looking for new works only. However, if your work has been previously published and you currently hold full rights, we will still consider it, but please let us know in your query.

What we’re looking for: 

Current wants / don't wants:

  • ​Want
    • Sci-fi and fantasy that breaks out of the genres' conventions and bends the mind
    • Horror that makes us sleep with the lights on (preference for paranormal)
    • Thriller that gets us tearing through the pages
    • Westerns that make us love the genre all over again
    • Diverse representation in our lead characters is ideal
    • Spicy scenes are welcome
  • Don't Want
    • Short stories or novellas


Genres: All

Length: 70,000 - 100,000 words

How to submit: 

Please query via email to, following the guidelines below:

In the body of your email, please include a brief query letter outlining who you are, what your book is about, the length of your book, your plans for sequels (if any), and relevant social media links. Please also include a synopsis of your work in the body of your email, below your letter.

Please attach your complete manuscript to the email as a Word file (doc or docx). Documents should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and in Times New Roman 12-point font.

At present, response time is within three to eight weeks.

For more information: 

For more information, please email us at

Thank you for your interest.